Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Getting back to this blogging malarkey and have only got to link everything up on my epad and I'm good to go anywhere!

Let's see if I can post a photo from my phone........ Nope need ANOTHER app!
Wow!! I cannot believe it has been almost 2 years since I was last here!  Having been off work for a while (again) I have been indulging in my craftiness!  I have learnt to crochet and it is my current addiction.  I'm just about to finish off a shawl and have some squares on the go for a cushion/blanket depending on how it goes!

I'm hoping to carry on with the craftiness to maybe sell some stuff in the future should anyone wish to purchase my makes.  Facebook/Instagram/Tumblr are the work of the devil for ideas and there are jsut not enough hours in the day!