Sunday, 8 January 2012

Busy day!

Today has been busy!  Nanny picked the small people up at 9.30 for the day as she has not seen them all week.  Mind you, the mood they were both in, she was welcome to them!  Why is it I can be in bed and hear them chatting and getting along but as soon as they know I am awake they start fighting!

It is A's birthday in 2 weeks and she wanted a bowling party, so I duly went to the bowling alley and booked said party.  All very easy even if there was a long queue behind me and it was BUSY, the girl didn't get flustered and just carried on!  Although they gave me invites they were not up to madam's taste so we had to craft some tonight for her to take to school tomorrow.

Next stop was Homebase where I purchased some pipe insulation to hide under the sofa to stop cars, balls and assorted small toys venturing under there, never to be seen again as I can't move the sofas myself at the minute.

Then it was into Hobbycraft, which is a VERY dangerous shop!  I had a list and was determined to stick to it, I found what I wanted (cheaper than t'internet) and got out of there quite quickly.  I am making a ribbon wreath for the birthday girl and can't wait for the ribbon to arrive (I love eBay!)

Then to Tesco's for a couple of bits for lunches this week then home for a coffee and sit down before Mr S. arrived home from golf and I had to look busy again by doing some laundry and a bit of ironing.

This evening it has taken some time to settle the small people (Nanny chocolate overload) and Little man was complaining about a sore nose so Mr S. got him to blow down each nostril in turn and out popped an aquabead a la Fatima's cockroach!  Now I feel bad as I didn't think he would do such a thing and we have no idea HOW long it has been up there!  Needless to say he blamed his sister for putting it up there! I think not.

This evening's craft search has been cupcake related as a friend wants me to make some for her Mum's birthday party, the colour scheme is purple and silver so am looking forward to doing those even though I won't be able to eat them!



  1. Poor Little Man (though I'm afraid I did giggle!!!). Can't wait to see progress on your Sky Blanket :) x

  2. Poor little Man!! Poor Mummy more like, did not think he would put something up his nose! He had been saying it was sore for a couple of days and I just thought it was because he had a cold! Just as well it came out at home and not at school x
