Saturday, 7 January 2012

New Project

Recently, i have rediscovered the sewing bug!  I have made crayon rolls, notepad holders, little bags for girls, and a bespoke address file for my best friend.  I would post some photos but the computer is not playing at the minute!  Some of my stuff I have given as presents and some of it has been sold :).

My next new project has been inspired by Sonia who is knitting a scarf blanket made from different colours depicting the weather (  I am really not good at knitting and have never attempted to crochet so thought I may do something in fabric.  How I will interpret a days weather in one piece a day, I don't know as it can change so drastically throughout the day but always there is rain at 3pm!

I have, therefore, ordered some fabric squares which arrived today and have ordered some pompom trim  from  to depict clouds.

So I will take a note of the main weather of the day and pick a fabric to suit.  Who knows what I will end up with!


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